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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were nearly 5 million job openings in March 2015, the highest number since January 2001.

This is great news for job seekers, but what does it mean for employers who have roles they need to fill? It means it will be much harder and take a lot longer to find top talent. Roles that took just a few weeks to fill in the past are taking between three and six months, which means that employers need to improve their ability to attract candidates. The days of posting a job to Craigslist and waiting for the hundreds of resumes to roll in are over. Employers now need to be sure they have a proper process in place to not only quickly respond to applicants but also to source candidates that are not actively pursuing a new opportunity.

All this creates a challenge for organizations that don’t have dedicated recruiting staff. Enlisting recruitment agencies is an option, but an expense that many companies cannot afford, with fees averaging 20 to 30 percent of the first year’s annual compensation. Let our expert’s help you find and hire the right candidate with our Hiring Process Management™ (HPM) solution.

Hiring Process Management™ (HPM)
Our comprehensive Hiring Process Management™ (HPM) methodology embraces the full range of tasks involved in recruiting – from crafting the job description to candidate acquisition, vetting and selection, and even negotiating the employment offer. We perform the following labor-intensive tasks:

  • Craft the job description
  • Benchmark salary for competitiveness in the market
  • Develop criteria and search strategy
  • Sourcing and screening candidates
  • Conduct recruitment searches using active and passive search methods
  • Handle all scheduling, communication, and follow-up with candidates
  • Advising on final selection and assisting with onboarding

If finding the right talent at the right time is critical to your success, consider our non-agency fee recruitment method, Hiring Process Management™. Learn more here.

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