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Job Abandonment for Employees

By June 18, 2011February 19th, 2015No Comments
Question: Is there a specific amount of days an employer can set that determines job abandonment? More…
Answer: Full Question:
Is there a specific amount of days that an employer can set that determines job abandonment? Typically we hear 3 days but are there federal and/or state laws that dictate?

Barring an employment contract or collective bargaining agreement, etc., an employer is generally within its rights to establish its own policy relative to employee no call/no show. Some employers determine that a single instance of no call/no show is grounds for immediate discharge. Others require an employee to be away from work without calling for a certain number of days before it will make a discharge decision. Each employer needs to decide for itself what kind of no call/no show policy is in its best interest. Any such policy, however, should be uniformly enforced and should have the flexibility for management to make exception when truly extenuating circumstances are present.

For more information about this and other HR issues please contact or call us 508-339-1300.
